Malawi and other 23 countries, mainly Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States, joined phase III of the Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) Project. The project is funded by the Global Environment Facility. Globally, it is being coordinated by UNEP-DTU Partnership. The project is being coordinated by Environmental Affairs Department (EAD) in the Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining (MoNREM). at national level.

The aim of the project is to assist the countries in determining climate technology priorities.

Understanding climate technology needs is the starting point for effective action on climate change. Technology and technological change offer the main possibilities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to adverse impacts of climate change to support the implementation of the NDC and UNFCCC Paris Agreement.

The TNA project consists of three steps with corresponding outcomes:

Step 1: Identification and Prioritisation of sectors and climate technologies

  • Technology Fact Sheets
  • Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) report

Step 2: Barrier Analysis and Enabling Framework Identification

  • Barrier analysis and Enabling Framework (BAEF) report

Step 3: Technology Action Plan

  • TAP

A step-by-step guide to TNA can be accessed here

For more information please visit:

Global TNA Project

UNEP DTU Partnership

UN Environment

Climate Technology Centre & Network